Friday, February 10, 2012

... worth a thousand words !

Today, I was checking the results of the 2011 World Press Photo of the Year award. A photo taken by a Spanish photographer named Samuel Aranda (for New York Times) won the top prize. The photo shows a veiled woman holding an injured relative during the demonstrations in Yemen.

Photo taken from: Photo Blog on [Link]

The winning photo immediately reminded me of a photo I took at the famous basilica in Marseille, France (Notre-Dame de la Garde). It was also one of my favorite photos of the trip. 

Photo taken from: My own blog post [Link]

Although, both the photos speak a lot by themselves, I found a stark similarity in both the photos. Even if they are from different times, from different cultures, different lands, different religions, the emotions and the expressions depicted remain the same. And one fact stands out quite boldly, that in times of pain, grief and despair, there is nothing comparable to the warmth and embrace of a woman.

But it also made me think ... no matter how many saints and preachers came and went, but we as human beings never learned .... the sufferings still continue ..... neti neti neti !


Vetirmagal said...

What a sight and picture, As I was reading it , I thought of Peita by Michelangelo, with the body of Christ on his mother's lap. The compassion and suffering on Mother's face used to haunt me.

Yes, woman has to comfort all the time,and men need to comfort her too :-)

Anu said...

It's amazing! I could see a nice similarly - a point that converges in both these pictures!
PS: Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments :) said...

wowww ... nice Vetrimagal ... that's another connection :)

thanks Vaish !

Dr Mandeep Khanuja said...

like your posts
simple,precise and to the point !
keep writing said...

thanks doc ... I try my best to keep things simple :)